Executive coaching that invites you to play with your growth edge
We all have a growth edge but it can be very hard to get a handle on it, so that we can experiment with it on a daily basis.We invite you to embrace a development approach to the leadership of yourself, others and the systems you are part of. It is the most efficient way to get in touch with your own growth edge and more possibilities in the moment of action.
Increased leadership leverage and impact is on the agenda of many businesses today. Yet most of us are not aware of exactly where to focus, in order to become wiser, and more efficient in our everyday leadership of ourselves, others, and the systems we are part of. Even if we do know, we tend to pursue our development intentions with one foot on the gas pedal and the other on the brake!
This is where executive coaching can make a major difference in your leadership journey. Through dialogue we help you focus on the most important factors that will make the biggest difference in overcoming your challenges, and achieving your ambitions. We will challenge and support you on your individual journey to become a more effective leader; one who is capable of taking wise and effective action amidst complex, rapidly changing conditions.
To find your growth edge, we often integrate developmental assessments and tools that pave the way for new inquiries, insights and experiments, which in turn, help you both learn and unlearn in the midst of everyday action.
Our executive coaches all have extensive business and management experience, as well as deep knowledge and intensive training in personal development processes throughout many years. We are multidisciplinary and always create a tailored approach, based on your specific development needs, that acknowledge and meet the complex and diverse world that we live in.
Coaching engagements can span from a few coaching sessions that focus on a particular, current leadership challenge or life circumstance, to a comprehensive program that transforms and upgrades your whole way of being, thinking, collaborating, acting and relating in your leadership.
In our world, relations and results go hand-in-hand. We believe that the right coach fit is key for both you and us. Therefore, we invoice you, first after our first coaching session together, and we both have agreed to continue our cooperation. We believe this is the best way to clear any tensions from the start and pave the way for a great journey together.
How Executive Coaching can make a world of difference and save you both time and money
“If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.“
– Mahatma Gandhi
Leadership Agility® 360 - one of our assessment tools
We work with different assessment tools that all give you a broader perspective of your current growth edge and ways to work with it.
One of them is the Leadership Agility® 360, which can integrate into your developmental journey. This assessment supports the upgrade of your leadership agility in the three arenas that are central to daily leadership effectiveness:
leading organisational change
improving team performance
engaging in pivotal conversations
It is based on current, groundbreaking research that validates how leaders develop through a series of predictable, learnable agility levels that are rooted in well-documented stages of personal development.
The Leadership Agility® 360 helps you find your current agility centre of gravity. It describes your typical behavioural approach to everyday situations and invites you to experiment with your growth edge to grow your leadership agility.
It differs from other 360 instruments in that there are no good or bad answers. It all depends on the context. The rich contextual feedback report taps into your most characteristic behaviours, and measures how effectively you are able to demonstrate those behaviours on an everyday basis.
“Leadership Agility is on the agenda in most organisations today. However, most of us lack both the language and the contextual framework for how to work effectively with upgrading both our individual and organisational agility. The Leadership Agility® 360 provides a language and structure for how to make the agility dream come true for both individuals and teams”
– Hanne Lindblad, Partner in re:lead